Who we are

Changing the Narrative.

Menaswell is the Dutch organisation against sexual violence against men, trans and non-binary people in The Netherlands. We aim to bridge the barriers to support that men face following sexual violence, while increasing awareness and visibility of male victims.

Since our launch in 2020, Menaswell has become the leading voice of sexual violence against men in The Netherlands.

The topic of sexual violence against men (SVAM) is under-reported and widely misunderstood, meaning representation is lacking, and access to victim support and justice is lower. We actively stand against sexually transgressive behaviour of all forms.

Marginalised communities, such as gbMSM, and BIPOC, face increased rates of sexual violence. Stigma is one major impediment to better representation. By building better visibility of sexual violence against men, we can work to reduce social barriers.

We believe that to tackle sexual violence, we must involve male, trans, and non-binary experiences in the topic of consent and fight for recognition of abuses against them.

For links to resources and reports, click here

MenAsWell is de Nederlandse Stichting voor mannelijke slachtoffers van seksueel geweld, met de nadruk op LHBTIQ+ mensen. Onze website biedt hulp aan slachtoffers om hulp te vinden bij instanties als GGD en Centrum Seksueel Geweld. We bieden ondersteuning zoals yoga, psychotherapie en ondersteuning bij evenementen, waaronder Queerwatch op Milkshake Festival.

MenAsWell biedt een serie trainingen en workshops voor professionals, de gemeenschap en individuen. Al dit jaar hebben we meer dan 250 mensen getraind over consent binnen de LGBT+ gemeenschap.

Onze krachtige online en offline campagnes zijn bedoeld om mensen bewuster te maken van instemming en seksueel geweld tegen de LGBT-gemeenschap. Onze 2023 Pride campagne: Pride. Consent. Freedom. bereikte meer dan 1m mensen tijdens Amsterdam Queer & Pride.

Fonds SlachtofferHulp

Pride Amsterdam

A Bethter World

Stichting MenAsWell is registered with KvK number 87449078, RSIN 864300293 at Frederiksplein 28, 1017XN Amsterdam.